Background and organisation

The purpose of the foundation for student accommodation (Stiftung für Studentenhäuser) is to provide accommodation for students of the University of Zurich (UZH) and the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH).

The foundation was established by Swiss Re in 1963 to mark the company's centenary. Leasehold land provided by the City of Zurich made it possible to build Witellika residence (Studentenhaus Witellika), which opened in 1969.

Knowledge is the best investment in the future, which is why Swiss Re has for decades maintained a very close partnership with the ETH and UZH. A global reinsurer, Swiss Re needs highly qualified specialists in a range of academic fields. Accordingly, Swiss Re has a vested interest in contributing to Zurich as a centre of higher education by supporting Witellika residence.

Legal form

Stiftung für Studentenhäuser is a private non-profit foundation as defined in Art 80 et seq of the Swiss Civil Code (ZGB) and is domiciled in Zurich. The foundation is governed by the Canton of Zurich supervisory authority for foundations (Kantonale Stiftungsaufsicht).

Foundation board of trustees

Reto Schnarwiler, chairman of the foundation board
and representative for Swiss Re Management Ltd
Regula Christen, deputy chairman, representative for the ETH Zurich
Dr. Peter Collmer, representative University of Zurich
Johannes Majer, ETH student representative
Luca Gschwind, UZH student representative
Simon Oberholzer, foundation secretary


Stiftung für Studentenhäuser
c/o Swiss Re Management Ltd.
Herr Simon Oberholzer
Mythenquai 50/60, 8022 Zürich

For all matters relating to student housing operations and lettings:
WOKO Studentische Wohngenossenschaft
Stauffacherstrasse 101, 8004 Zürich

Photography: Giorgio von Arb & Alessandro Della Bella